Dr. Greggo is teaching Counseling and Theological Worldview at SETECA, Central American Theological Seminary in Guatemala City. He will be there Jan 15 to 19, 2023.
Instructor nOTES:
Instructors who adopt ACCP may obtain a full support package with outlines, slides, cases studies and other teaching helps directly from Inter-Varsity Press.
Instructors who adopt CC5A and would like access to a full set of video clips for classroom use, please contact Dr. Greggo. Kindly provide institution, course #, and semester.
Click on the mail icon to be directed to the Home Page. Go to the bottom of the Home Page and fill in your details in the Contact Form. You will get a response within 48 hours. Thank you.
Click on the icon to listen to Dr. Greggo's interview on February 11, 2020. In this podcast, Dr. Greggo talks about his journey as a Professor of Counseling at TEDS and an ordained minister. He also talks about how his career as a counselor and the interdisciplinary work that he does in life.